School Supplies
School Supplies Lists for the upcoming school year can be found here.
Sending money to school
Money should be sent to school in a sealed envelope with the following information on the outside of the envelope:
1. Child’s first and last name
2. Amount and purpose of the money
3. Teacher’s name or grade and section
School Uniform Policy
All students must wear uniform-style clothing. When a student is out of dress code, we will try to resolve the situation with the clothing we have on hand, but, if it is not possible, we may have to call the parent/guardian to bring a change of clothes before the student returns to class.
Note: In all areas of dress and grooming, certain fads and styles may be deemed unacceptable by the administration at any time.Students may purchase parts of uniforms from retail stores. CCA logo t-shirts will be purchased through CCA or an approved vendor.
Our school uniforms consist of:
1. CCA logo T-shirts
2. Skirts/Jumpers (khaki or navy)
3. Pants/Capris (khaki or navy) see #9 below.
4. Shorts (khaki or navy)
5. Outerwear – Sweaters, jackets and coats may be any color or multi-colored as long as they are not offensive or sloppy. All CCA branded apparel is acceptable. When wearing a light sweater or jacket inside the classroom,they must be white or navy-blue uniform style.
6. Hats and hoods are considered outerwear and should only be worn when outside.
7. Long sleeve shirts and girls’ tights/leggings may be worn under uniforms and should be one solid color.
8. Uniforms may have no rips, tears, frays, or faded color fabric. Pants may not sag.
9. Jeans, cargo, and corduroy pants are allowed.
10. Students must wear shoes appropriate for daily recess and PE.Sandals/shoes must have a back-strap. Due to safety concerns, crocs are not appropriate school shoes.
11. Hairstyles and hair color must not be distracting to the school learning environment.
12. Jewelry should be chosen with safety and a neat school appearance in mind.Body/facial piercings are not allowed. Earrings should be small hoops or studs for safety.
13. The administration reserves the right to make judgment calls on modesty,and all issues of dress code or grooming, including any issues not listed.
14. All uniforms should be labeled with the student’s name on the tag to reduce the number of lost and found clothing
Health Policies
We strive to maintain a healthy environment for students to learn in. If a child is ill, he or she should remain at home. A physician note may be required to return to class. The following are guidelines for re-entry to school for many common illnesses. Questions or pertinent information regarding a child’s illness should be directed to the school clinic.
Please notify the school clinic at (407) 604-5474 if your child is diagnosed with COVID-19, influenza, strep throat, conjunctivitis, chicken pox or other communicable disease.
Returning after Illness
Fever – Oral temperature 100.0 or higher
Student may return when they have been fever-free for an entire 24-hour period without fever reducing medication such as Tylenol or Ibuprofen.
Strep Throat or other Infections requiring antibiotics
Student may return 24-hours after the first dose of medication was administered – AND – Follow fever guidelines.
Eye Infections/Conjunctivitis/Pink Eye
Student may return 24-hours after the first dose of treatment is administered – AND – The eye(s) must be free of draining and discharge.
Vomiting and Diarrhea (two or more episodes)
Student may return 24 hours after the last episode of vomiting and/or diarrhea – AND – have resumed a normal diet – AND – Follow fever guidelines.
COVID-19 Diagnosis or Testing
Follow illness policies based on symptoms. Unless advised by school staff, testing is not required. If covid testing is opted for and the results are positive, contact the school clinic for return guidelines for all household members based on current protocols.
Viral Sore Throats, Colds
Student must be able to participate in all school activities. Symptoms should be minimal/resolved – AND – Coughs must be under control – AND – Follow fever guidelines.
Skin Infections (i.e. Staphylococcus, Impetigo, MRSA)
Student may return 24 hours after the first dose of antibiotic was administered – AND – the wound is not draining. The wound should be covered during school. Contact sports should be avoided until the wound is healed.
Flu / Influenza
Student may return under physician direction – AND – Symptoms have improved/resolved – AND – Follow fever guidelines.
Chickenpox or Shingles
Student may return after ALL of the lesions are dry and crusted over – AND – Follow fever guidelines.
Head Lice
Re-entry to class must be approved by school personnel.

Health Related Topics
Illness at School
A student will be sent home if he/she has any of the above, untreated symptoms and/or at the discretion school personnel. Pick up should be within one hour of notification.
Injury at School
Minor injuries occur daily. Students who are injured at school will be assessed and appropriate care given. Injuries more significant than a minor abrasion will result in parent contact. This contact may include but is not limited to: written contact and/or verbal contact by phone. If an injury is deemed severe or possibly life-threatening Emergency Medical Services (911) will be notified. For more specific guidelines on injury treatment, parents should contact the school clinic or a building principal.
Students with Asthma
Florida State Statute (FS1006.062) mandates that a physician must authorize a student to carry and self-administer an asthma inhaler at school. There are specific forms available for the physician to complete. Forms must be maintained annually. Students, third grade and higher, who are authorized to carry an asthma inhaler must keep the inhaler in the pharmacy labeled container. CrossLife Christian Academy reserves the right to rescind physician authorization if inhaler guidelines are not adhered to.
Inhalers kept in the clinic do not require physician authorization but must be in pharmacy labeled container and the parent must complete information and authorization forms. Any student nursery through second grade must have their medication stored in the clinic according to school guidelines and be supervised in administration.
Asthma Information Form must be completed annually for all asthmatic students. Please contact the clinic.
Students with Severe Allergies/Anaphylaxis
Students diagnosed with a severe allergy who have been prescribed an EpiPen must have a Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan on file. This plan must be updated annually and when a change in medication/health status occurs. Students grade five and up may carry the EpiPen on their person with written physician approval. The pen must be kept in the pharmacy labeled container. It is recommended a second EpiPen be stored and maintained in the school clinic. Any student Kindergarten through fourth grade must have their medication stored in the clinic according to school guidelines and be supervised in administration. Please contact the school clinic for specific forms.
Medication in School
Students are not permitted to carry or self-administer medication, excluding life-sustaining medication for asthma, anaphylaxis or diabetes. Written authorization is required for ALL medication. Verbal permission is not recognized. Only in person or faxed requests will be accepted.
School stocked medication: The school clinic stocks acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen (Motrin/Advil). These medications are available for students with minor pain who do not need to go home. Students who are going home ill will be given school stocked medication only upon parent request.
The following guidelines are followed before administering medication.
- A designated form is completed and signed by the parent during registration which authorizes medication administration. (This form includes a medical profile.)
- The duration of the pain is greater than one hour.
- The quality of pain requires medication.
- The student has eaten a meal prior to taking the medication.
- The student has not taken pain medication in the last four hours.
- Contact of a parent will be attempted.
- The administration is documented and a form is sent home alerting the parent.
- Doses are based on weight and manufacturer recommendations. Any deviation to the prescribed amount must be in writing from a physician.
- Clinic and/or administrative staff reserve the right to refuse to dispense school stocked medication at any time. A parent will be contacted to address the specific need of the situation.
- The clinic maintains communication with the parent for recurring or regular clinic visits.
- Regular use of an over the counter medication, or any change in level of dosing of medication requires written consent from the student’s physician.
- Medications are not administered outside of school hours.
Medication brought from home: Students are not permitted to carry and/or self-administer any medication, prescription or over the counter.
The only exception to this applies to students who require life-sustaining medication such as an emergency asthma inhaler, an Epi-pen, or diabetic medication. A physician note must be on file annually.
Medication must be turned in to the clinic upon arrival at school with a written parent authorization. See the following:
- All OTC medicine must be in its original labeled container – medication received in baggies will not be dispensed and will be disposed of.
- All prescription medicine must be brought in the original pharmacy labeled container. This pharmacy label represents physician authorization.
- Medication must be in date. Expired medications will not be stored or administered.
- Medication will be dispensed according to manufacturers or pharmacy labeling only. Any changes must be in writing from the physician.
- Medications given 3 or less times a day should be given at home.
- Written request must be on a school form, or from the parent listing the medication name, the reason for the medication, the time and route to give the medication, and the last time the medication was given.
- Students found carrying and/or self-administering medication at school will receive disciplinary action.
- Long term use – more than three days of continuous use, or regular use – of an over the counter medication requires written physician request.
- Clinic and/or administrative staff reserve the right to refuse to dispense medication brought from home at any time. A parent will be contacted to address the specific need of the situation.
Homeopathic medication: It is the policy of CrossLife Christian Academy that all homeopathic and/or herbal remedies will not be recognized as treatment for illness. Additionally, no homeopathic or herbal medication will be administered at school or by school personnel. A physician prescribed antibiotic is required for the treatment of bacterial infections which may include but are not limited to: conjunctivitis (pink eye), streptococcal, staphylococcal, and pneumococcal infections.
Medication Outside of School Hours
School Faculty and staff are not permitted to administer any medications, excluding life-sustaining medication, outside of school hours to include: After School care, after school sports and off campus activities. OTC or non-emergency medication required outside of regular school hours must be administered by the parent or guardian.
Chronic Conditions
Students who are classified as having a chronic condition such as, but not limited to: life-threatening allergies to foods or insects, students with asthma, diabetic students, students with seizure disorders, and students with cardiac illness, must have annual documentation on file within the school clinic. It is the parent’s responsibility to notify the school clinic of chronic conditions, and/or any change to a student’s health or medication.
Health Conditions that Affect the Student at School
- Asthma: Parents should complete an Asthma Interview Form and Asthma Action Plan annually. See medication guidelines for students who have been prescribed a fast-acting inhaler or nebulizer.
- Food Allergies: Parents should complete a Food Allergy Interview and Action Plan annually. See medication guidelines for students who have been prescribed an EPI pen.
- Other Chronic Conditions: Students who have been diagnosed with a chronic illness such as diabetes, epilepsy, or other condition, must complete specific informational forms regarding the illness.
Changes in Student Health During the School Year:
Parents are responsible to notify the school clinic if a change in the student’s health occurs after the registration process has been completed.